Some history...

Hello there, I’m Kinky Tiger! Born in Italy during the wild ’80s, I stumbled upon my kinkiness in a pretty quirky way. Picture this: I was around 12 years old, innocently watching Elvira Mistress of the Dark, and it hit me – “Hey, this is kinda intriguing!” Of course, I had to wait until adulthood to really figure it all out.

Growing up in a small town, everyone expected me to follow the usual path – get married, have kids, and settle down. But that wasn’t I what I wanted. So, at 19, I left home and set off on a journey to discover the most important person in my life – myself.

My journey took me to London, and into the kink community. That led me to some fascinating favorites. I love parties and kinky events; the excitement, the open-mindedness, and the pure authenticity of these place mede me feel like I was on a high the whole time (the safety is nice too). I’m also very much into latex; it’s shiny, stretchy, vegan, and just oozes sexiness. My play style is sensation and sensory deprivation play. I enjoy teasing, and I’ve got a soft spot for light bondage. Oh, and being in control? Yep, that’s me, all the way. Definitely identify as a top (full archetypes here)

A blog was born!

Even though kink never really played a role in my professional life, I decided to change that. I started a blog in 2018, where I talk about anything and everything BDSM, kink and fetish-related – from fashion to workshops, photographers, TV shows, and more. It’s my creative corner of the internet.

In my personal life, I’ve always been upfront about my kink interests with my partners. Occasionally, I have had play partners that were also into kink, but didn’t know much about it and needed to learn the ropes first. I enjoyed the educational side of it, but I also craved for a closer chemistry. I’m currently in a happy relationship that doesn’t hold me back from exploring more of the kink world – YAY! 

I am on on FetLife (where you can follow me), about at online and in-person parties (where I often wear a pair of tiger ears), and wherever else the action is (think munches, shopping events, and such).

When I look back, I can’t help but notice how the fetish scene has evolved. It’s no longer hiding in the shadows. I see latex, harnesses, and all things fetish-wear making their way into music videos and actors and actresses talking openly about kink and consent in the media. It’s like society’s finally waking up to it, realizing there’s nothing to be afraid of, but so much to embrace.

So, that’s me, Kinky Tiger – unapologetically exploring myself and the world of fetish with a fearless spirit, all wrapped up in an irresistible allure.

Some fellow bloggers

Alice Hunter – creator of Unicorn Hunting, and writer of Unicorns and How to Hunt Them.

Anita Cassidy – personal and relationship coach, and creator of Alethya.