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Five years ago I did a thing

Writing, typing, and clicking away...

Five years ago, I started blogging. It was 2018, and I had three things I wanted to accomplish that year. First, I wanted to start a new hobby. Second, I aimed to do something creative. Lastly, I wished to keep a diary again, much like I used to when I was a kid.

During that year’s summer, I set up a website and commenced blogging that very September. Since then, I’ve endeavored to write about what I wanted while ensuring as much variety as possible.

I’ve always loved latex, and at that time, I already owned a couple of things. So, naturally, one of my very first blog posts was about latex, KATY PERRY AND HER LOVE FOR LATEX. It remained one of my favorite blog posts for a long time.

Next, I wanted to write about the TV shows I watched, and the first was TV REVIEW: HAVE YOU HEARD OF BONDING?, which happened to be one of my favorite shows that year.

katy perry red ball latex

Following that, I felt compelled to write about events and parties in London, so I reviewed the very next one I attended, PARTY REVIEW: HEDONISM BY KK. Although I wanted to cover many more events and parties, that review in March 2020 marked my last one for a little while.

I’m passionate about period dramas, but they must be feminist and pass the Bechdel test for my liking. Hence, I wrote a MOVIE REVIEW: WONDER WOMEN & BDSM focused on the Professor Marston and the Wonder Women movie.


Burlesque has always been an enjoyable spectacle for me, possibly starting with Elvira. After chatting with Tempest Rose from House of Burlesque, I decided to craft a piece on BURLESQUE: SOME HISTORY.

With lockdowns in full force, attending parties or events wasn’t an option, but a lot of the fun and kinky activities moved online. Consequently, I delved into writing about a few workshops run by KK, such as the Pegging one, the shibari one, and the dirty talk one, which I mostly wrote myself.


I also decided to write a series of educational posts. These included THE ABC OF BDSM, TYPE OF PLAYS IN BDSM, an expanded discussion on pegging and its fun side in MORE ABOUT PEGGING, and an exploration of why I feel safer in a fetish club than in a bar in WHY I FEEL SAFER IN A FETISH CLUB THAN A BAR.

On top of that, I went into more details about the dating scene’s challenges, specifically Ghosting, in GHOST STORIES THIS HALLOWEEN and Zombieing, in ZOMBIEING. BECAUSE HALLOWEEN IS COMING. And just because it came up in conversation with a friend, I wrote instructions on how to care for latex, a material I adore, in LATEX NEWS: DO YOU LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN LATEX?.

When things reopened, I resumed attending parties and revisited some of my regular spots like CLUB PEDESTAL, the Mansion, and Torture Garden. Additionally, I explored new venues such as Fox Den, Thirst, and Quench.

I then decided to write a few blog posts about podcasts I listened to during and after lockdown, with Ginsult, Proud to be Kinky, and GlowWest as my top favourites. 

My most recent series was all about diving into the world of the Kink Community, with Joining the Kink Community. I shared tips on creating online profiles, navigating messaging, mingling with fellow kinksters, and even shared my adventures at parties and beyond.


Writing these pieces brings me so much joy! Even though it can be a bit tough sometimes – struggling to find the time, energy, or fresh ideas – I absolutely love doing it. Knowing that there are people out there reading, sharing and learning something new from my posts gives me a lovely little sense of fulfillment. Yay 🙂

I hope to keep this going for as long as I can, pouring my heart into every piece and continuing to share this amazing journey with all of you!

Until next year my dear readers… Wish you a very happy 2024!