Decided to review even more munches in London, since there is just so many to go to! I hope you find it helpful and inspire you to attend some 🙂
Social review: More munches in London

Decided to review even more munches in London, since there is just so many to go to! I hope you find it helpful and inspire you to attend some 🙂
I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for 90s rock. And even if you are not, at Thirst there is something for everyone!
After my last post on Munches: dos and don’ts, where I covered what a munch is and where to find them, I wanted to review some of the London munches.
There is a new sex-positive community in town. THE FOX DEN CLUB
The Fox Den was founded in 2021, but don’t let the year fool you.