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Latex news: Lockdown edition

As we are all doing the social distancing during lockdown, I thought I would share some interesting and amusing news…

A girl from Montreal decided to do her shopping extra safely: Vicky Devika, the artist, model, and DJ behind the Elusive Rubber Creature tells MTL Blog that she “knew the video would be well received and generate quite a bit of attention, but [she] wasn’t expecting it to go crazy viral like this.”

“I started doing these ‘latex in public’ videos about a year ago actually. It all started with an art project for a friend who was doing a photo class at Dawson. She needed a latex model for a shoot in a restaurant.”

Follow her on Instagram here or Twitter here.

A medical fetish company donates its scrubs to NHS hospital amid coronavirus crisis.

Read the tweet from MedFet UK, “the only online store 100 per cent dedicated to Medical Fetish, Kink and Roleplay,”  (left). After being contacted by the NHS, who were trying to find protective equipment and clothing, the site sent all of its scrubs to a hospital in southern England. Amazing.

Did you read anything else on the news recently that highlighted the fetish industry? If yes, ping me a message on Instagram and I will add that in 🙂