Quick one, have you watched Big Month?
You know, the one that openly talks about porn, underage drinking, and sex?

From right to left:
Nick Kroll: Nick Birch, the lucky one with loving and (kinda) overprotective parents, definitely the late bloomer.
Jessi Klein: Jessi Glaser, sassy and smart, with the loving yet a tiny bit dysfunctional family.
Maya Rudolph: Connie the Hormone Monstress, my idol, and a Goddess. Sometimes I think I wanna be her.
Nick Kroll: Maury the Hormone Monster, lol he’s just hilarious, you gotta watch it.
John Mulaney: Andrew Glouberman, serial masturbator, Nick’s best buddy, with a normal although clingy family.
Jenny Slate: Missy Foreman-Greenwald, sweet, thoughtful, a little nerdy, with the loving, interracial family.
Jason Mantzoukas: Jay Bilzerian, oh man this guy is just so fun to watch, also seriously messed up family
I don’t know about you, but I hated puberty. It arrived late (I was the last one in my class), I was too tall, too skinny, and I hated everything. I mean, I still hate a bunch of stuff, that hasn’t changed, but at least I am now very happy with my body, my curves, and even my very own hormone monstress (although sometimes I really wish she’d take a hike so that I don’t feel like a sociopath when she plays games with me).
This shows, mocks all the horrors, the wonders, and the nightmares of puberty! The hormones that make you act like an idiot, the hair growing in random places, consent and how kids understand (or should understand) it from an early age, porn and how it’s such bs, being bisexual and pansexual and how it’s discriminated if you are a guy or a girl, etc. It might be a cartoon, but it’s definitely not for children. Also nominated for a bunch of awards, and won some, this show is loosely based on some of the actors’ real lives.
The best thing? Maury’s tiny dicks! Someone made an awesome compilation on Reddit, check it out 🙂
Lots of fun, give it a watch!
Goal for post-Covid: be more like Connie, the Hormone Monstress.
Added trailer as usual 🙂
Available on Netflix, 4 seasons, with about 10 episodes each.